第1条 Token是我们向您提供的用于在本平台上进行相关消费的虚拟币,您可充值相应数量的Token。由于Token的特殊属性,致使充值服务不适用《消费者权益保护法》中有关反悔权及七日无理由退货等条款的约束。您一旦充值成功,本平台的充值服务即已提供完毕,本平台不提供任何退还或逆向兑换真实货币(包括但不限于美元等)。
第2条 您务必根据自身实际需求充值相应数量的Token,您确认了解并接受在充值Token时页面所显示的Token价格。
第3条 您可按照本平台充值页面上的相应提示完成充值程序,当我们通过第三方支付平台确认收到您为充值Token所支付的款项后,则视为您已完成充值相应数量Token的交易。充值成功后,充值所増加的账号内Token可由您在本平台上自由使用。
第4条 您的用户帐户中显示的Token或虚拟礼物余额并不构成现实世界的余额或反映任何存储值,而是构成对本平台服务中虚拟物品的许可范围的一种衡量。您无法将Token或虚拟礼物兑换为真实货币(包括但不限于美元等)。
第5条 本平台保留对使用美元充值Token的规则进行单方面变更、调整、中止或终止的权利。您同意无条件接受对充值规则的变更、调整、中止或终止,本平台开展前述行动时,将在本平台公布的方式通知,并且公布之日起自动生效,而无需另行单独通知您,也不就该等行动给您造成的任何损失承担任何责任。
第6条 在使用充值服务时,您务必仔细确认自己的账号并仔细选择相关操作选项。若因为您自身输入账号错误、操作不当或不了解充值计费方式等因素造成充错账号、错选充值种类等情形而损害自身权益的,本平台将不会作出任何补偿或赔偿。
第7条 若您以非法、欺诈或利用本平台漏洞的方式,或使用非本平台所指定的充值方式进行充值,本平台不保证该充值顺利或者正确完成。若因此造成您权益受损,本平台不会作出任何补偿或赔偿,本平台同时保留随时终止您本平台账号资格及使用各项充值服务的权利。
第8条 您不得通过本平台充值进行任何违法犯罪活动,否则本平台有权终止服务,情节严重的,依法移交司法机关。
第9条 如果本平台发现因系统故障或其他任何原因导致的充值处理错误,无论有利于本平台还是有利于您,本平台都有权在以合理方式通知您后纠正该错误。如果该错误导致您实际收到的Token数量少于您应获得的Token,则本平台在确认该处理错误后会尽快将差额补足至您的本平台账户中。如果该错误导致您实际收到的Token数量多于您应获得的Token,则无论错误的性质和原因如何,本平台有权从您的本平台账户中直接扣除差额。
第10条 您可随时在本平台上查看您的Token余额情况。如您对该记录有异议,应立即向本平台提出,本平台核对后确有错误的,将予以更正;否则您同意将本平台上的交易记录作为Token交易的唯一有效依据。
第11条 本平台有权基于交易安全等方面的考虑不时设定涉及交易的相关事项,包括但不限于交易限额、交易次数等。您了解,本平台的前述设定可能对您的交易造成一定不便,您对此没有异议。
第12条 各充值方式对应的第三方渠道商可能会按其标准制定相关充值渠道手续费用(可能会在充值操作页面或渠道商其他页面上提示),并在充值Token时收取。请您务必注意各充值方式的渠道商服务手续费,并按自身需求选取充值方式。在任何情况下,对于您充值Token时涉及由第三方提供相关服务的责任由该第三方承担,本平台不承担该等责任。
第13条 您应确保您进行充值绑定的支付账户开户人/持有人,可合法、有效使用该账户且未侵犯任何第三方合法权益,否则因此造成账户实际所有人损失的,您应单独负责解决由此产生的纠纷并承担全部法律责任。您应确保用于充值Token的资金为个人合法财产,您利用该资金充值Token或消费虚拟礼物不存在任何违法犯罪目的;如您用于充值Token的资金被公安机关、检察院、法院等国家机关认定为非法资金(包括但不限于非法集资、职务侵占、挪用公款或贪污受贿等所得资金),并导致该等国家机关对我们的银行账户资金采取了冻结、强制执行等措施,您应赔偿我们因此而遭受的全部损失(包括但不限于被强制执行的全部金额及相应利息、为维权而支付的公证费、诉讼费、保全强、律师费、差旅费及鉴定费等)。
第14条 因您自身的原因导致本平台无法提供Token充值服务或提供Token充值服务时发生任何错误而产生的任何损失或责任,由您自行负责,本平台不承担责任,包括但不限于:
第15条 本平台系统因下列状况无法正常运作,使您无法使用各项服务或任何虚拟财产丢失时,本平台不承担损害赔偿责任,该状况包括但不限于:
第16条 在任何情况下,本平台均不对任何间接性、后果性、惩罚性、偶然性、特殊性或刑罚性的损害承担责任。本平台对您承担的全部责任,无论因何原因或何种行为方式,始终不超过您因使用本平台提供的充值服务而支付的费用。
第17条 如发生下列任何一种情形,本平台有权随时中断或终止向您提供本协议项下的网络服务而无需通知您,且无需承担因充值服务中断或终止而给您或第三方造成的损失的任何责任:
第18条 如果您违规使用非本人手机应用商店代充值,或者通过其它非本平台认可的渠道非法充值Token,则本平台有权冻结该账户,并进行相应惩罚,严重者可以进行封号处理。
第19条 您在使用本平台时,如出现违反国家法律法规、《用户服务协议》约定、本协议约定或其他本平台公布的协议或对用户的管理规定的情形,本平台有权暂时或永久封禁您的账号,且有权扣除本平台赠送/奖励的Token(如有)。账号封禁后至解禁(如有)前,您账户上的剩余Token将被暂时冻结或全部扣除,不可继续用于消费本平台上的虚拟产品或服务,同时不予返还您充值Token时的现金价值。
第20条 本平台保留修改或增补本协议内容的权利。本协议的修改文本将公告于本平台或以其他本平台认为可行的方式公告。修改文本一旦公布则立即生效,且对生效前的您同样适用。若您在本协议内容发生修订后,继续使用本服务的,则视为您同意最新修订的协议内容;否则您须立即停止使用充值服务或本平台。
第21条 凡因本协议所引起的或与之相关的任何争议、纠纷、分歧或索赔,包括协议的存在、效力、解释、履行、违反或终止,或因本协议引起的或与之相关的任何非协议性争议,本平台将与您协商解决。协商不成的,任何一方均有权向本协议签订地有管辖权的法院提起诉讼并适用中华人民共和国法律。
第22条 本协议部分内容被有管辖权的法院认定为违法或无效的,不因此影响其他内容的效力。本协议未涉及的问题参见国家有关法律法规,当本协议与国家法律法规冲突时,以国家法律法规为准。
User recharge agreement
TangChinese (hereinafter referred to as "this platform") user top-up agreement (hereinafter referred to as "this agreement") is an agreement signed by Puyang Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "we") and the service user (hereinafter referred to as "you") for your use of Internet based top-up service (hereinafter referred to as "top-up service") in accordance with the provisions of this agreement and the operating rules issued by us from time to time. In order to obtain the top-up service, please carefully read and fully understand the rules and requirements of this platform, as well as the national laws and regulations on this kind of Internet information service. If you object to any of the terms of this agreement, you may choose not to use the top-up service; If you choose to complete the top-up procedure according to the prompts on the page, it is deemed that you will agree to abide by all the terms of this agreement and any subsequent amendments we may make to this agreement from time to time, and fully submit to our unified management. Please note that the terms of this agreement that have or may have significant relationship with your rights and interests, and the terms that have or may have exemption or limitation of liability for this platform are marked in bold font.
[Special Note] You must confirm that you have full capacity for civil conduct, are at least 18 years of age, or are at least 16 years of age and rely on your own labor income as your primary source of subsistence. this platform does not encourage minors to use the relevant services. Minors should entrust the guardian to operate or operate with the express consent of the guardian, otherwise they are not allowed to use the top-up service of this platform. The guardians of minor users are requested to fulfill their guardianship obligations. this platform does not assume any responsibility for the behavior of underage users in the process of using the top-up service and any consequences arising from their use of the top-up service.
Article 1 Token is the virtual currency we provide to you for relevant consumption on this platform, and you can top up a corresponding number of Tokens. Due to the special properties of Tokens, the top-up service is not subject to the provisions of the Consumer Rights and Interests Protection Law on the right to go back and return goods without any reason within seven days. Once you top up successfully, the top-up service of this platform will be completed. This platform will not provide any refund or reverse conversion of real currency (including but not limited to US dollars).
Article 2 You must top up the corresponding number of Tokens according to your actual needs. You are sure to understand and accept the Token price displayed on the page when you top up the Token.
Article 3 You can complete the top up procedure according to the corresponding prompt on the top-up page of this platform. When we confirm that we have received the payment for the top-up Token through the third-party payment platform, it is deemed that you have completed the transaction of top-up the corresponding number of Tokens. After the successful top-up, the account Tokens added by the top-up can be freely used on the platform.
Article 4 The Token or virtual gift balance displayed in your user account does not constitute a real-world balance or reflect any stored value, but rather constitutes a measure of the permitted scope of virtual items in the platform services. You cannot exchange Tokens or virtual gifts for real currency (including but not limited to US dollars, etc.).
Article 5 The platform reserves the right to unilaterally change, adjust, suspend or terminate the rules for the use of US dollar top-up Tokens. You agree to unconditionally accept any change, adjustment, suspension or termination of the top-up rules. The platform will notify you in the manner announced by the platform and will automatically take effect on the date of announcement without separately notifying you and will not assume any responsibility for any loss caused to you by such actions.
Article 6 When using the top-up service, you must carefully confirm your account and carefully select the relevant operation options. The platform will not make any compensation or compensation for any damage to your own rights and interests caused by incorrect account input, improper operation or ignorance of top-up and charging methods.
Article 7 The platform does not guarantee the smooth or correct completion of the recharging if you do so by illegal, fraudulent or exploiting the vulnerability of the Platform or by using a recharging method other than that specified by the platform. If your rights and interests are damaged as a result of this, the platform will not make any compensation or compensation, and the platform reserves the right to terminate your account qualification and use the top-up services at any time.
Article 8 You are not allowed to top up through the platform for any illegal or criminal activities. Otherwise, the platform has the right to terminate the service. If the circumstances are serious, transferred to the judicial authority according to law.
Article 9 If the platform finds an error in the processing of top-up due to system failure or any other reason, whether for the benefit of the platform or for you, the platform shall have the right to correct such error after reasonable notice to you. If the error results in you actually receiving fewer Tokens than you should have received, the platform will make up the difference to your platform account as soon as possible upon confirmation of the processing error. If the error results in you actually receiving more Tokens than you should have received, the platform has the right to deduct the difference directly from your platform account, regardless of the nature and cause of the error.
Article 10 You can check your Token balance on this platform at any time. If you have any objection to the record, you should immediately raise it to the Platform. If there is any error after verification by the platform, it will be corrected. Otherwise, you agree to use the transaction records on this platform as the only valid basis for Token transactions
Article 11 The platform reserves the right to set transaction related matters from time to time based on consideration of transaction security and other aspects, including but not limited to transaction limit and number of transactions. You understand that the foregoing setting of the platform may cause some inconvenience to your trading, and you have no objection to that.
Article 12 The third-party channel providers corresponding to each top-up method may set the relevant topping up channel procedure fee according to its standard (which may be indicated on the topping up operation page or other pages of the channel provider), and charge it when topping up Token. Please be sure to pay attention to the service charges of channels for each top-up method, and select the top-up method according to your own needs. In any case, the responsibility for the services provided by a third party when you top up the Token will be borne by such third party and this platform will not be liable for such liability.
Article 13 You shall ensure that the account holder / holder of the payment account you are binding to top-up can use the account legally and effectively without infringing the legitimate rights and interests of any third party. Otherwise, if any loss of actual owner of the account occurs , you shall be solely responsible for resolving the disputes arising therefrom and taking full legal responsibility. You should ensure that the funds used to top up Token are the legal property of the individual, and that there is no illegal criminal purpose for you to top up Token or consume virtual gifts with the funds; If the funds you use to top up Token are recognized as illegal funds by public security organs, procuratorates, courts and other state organs (including but not limited to the illegal fund-raising, occupation of duties, misappropriation of public funds or embezzlement and bribery) and thus causing such national organs to take measures such as freezing and enforcing the funds of our bank accounts, You shall compensate us for all losses incurred (including but not limited to all the amounts and interest enforced, notarization fees, litigation fees, strong preservation, lawyer fees, travel expenses and appraisal fees paid for the protection of rights).
Article 14 You shall be responsible for any loss or liability arising from the failure of the platform to provide Token top-up service or any error in providing Token top-up service due to your own reasons, and the platform shall not be liable, including but not limited to:
(1) You do not operate in accordance with the user service agreement or this agreement or any rules published by the platform from time to time;
(2) Due to the invalidation, loss and blocking of the platform application in your device;
(3) Losses or liabilities caused by the account of the third-party payment institution you bind, including the use of an uncertified third-party payment account or the use of a third-party payment account other than your own, the freezing and sealing up of your third-party payment account, etc;
(4) Property loss caused by you informing others of your password;
(5) Your property losses caused by your personal intention or gross negligence or by a third party other than this agreement.
Article 15 If the system of this platform fails to operate normally due to the following conditions, making you unable to use various services or any virtual property lost, this platform will not be liable for damages, including but not limited to:
(1) During the maintenance, upgrading and adjustment of the system announced by the platform;
(2) Data transmission cannot be carried out in case of failure of telecommunication communication or equipment;
(3) The platform system is unable to perform business due to force majeure factors such as typhoon, earthquake, tsunami, flood, power failure, war, terrorist attack, government regulation, etc;
(4) Service interruption or delay caused by hacker attack, technical adjustment or failure of telecommunication department, website upgrade, related third party problems, etc.
Article 16 In no case shall the platform be liable for any indirect, consequential, punitive, accidental, special or criminal damages. The full responsibility of the platform to you, regardless of the reason or the way of behavior, will not exceed the cost you pay for using the top-up service provided by the platform.
Article 17 In case of any of the following circumstances, the platform has the right to interrupt or terminate the network service provided to you under this agreement at any time without notice, and does not need to bear any responsibility for the loss caused to you or the third party due to the interruption or termination of the top-up service:
(1) The personal data you provided is not true;
(2) You violate the top-up rules and guarantee contents stipulated in this agreement;
(3) You violate the user service agreement, privacy agreement or other management regulations of the platform for users;
(4) You top-up and use Token for profit, operation and other non personal purposes.
Except for the situations mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the platform reserves the right to interrupt or terminate part or all of the network top-up service at any time without prior notice to you. For any loss caused by the interruption or termination of the top-up service, the platform does not need to bear any responsibility to you or any third party.
Article 18 If you illegally use a non-self mobile app store to top up your Token, or illegally top up your Token through other channels that are not recognized by the platform, the platform has the right to freeze the account and punish it accordingly. If it is serious, it can be blocked.
Article 19 When you use this platform, if you violate the national laws and regulations, the user service agreement, this agreement or other agreements published by this platform or the management regulations for users, this platform has the right to temporarily or permanently block your account, and deduct the Token (if any) given / rewarded by this platform. The remaining Token on your account will be temporarily frozen or deducted from your account from the time of account ban to the time of account ban (if any). It can not be used to consume virtual products or services on this platform, and the cash value when you top up the Token will not be returned.
Article 20 The platform reserves the right to modify or supplement the content of this agreement. The revised version of this agreement will be announced on this platform or in other ways that this platform considers feasible. Once the revised text is published, it will take effect immediately, and it is also applicable to you before it takes effect. If you continue to use the service after the content of this agreement is revised, it is deemed that you agree to the latest revised content of this agreement; Otherwise, you must immediately stop using the top-up service or this platform.
Article 21 Any dispute, dispute, difference or claim arising out of or in connection with this agreement, including the existence, validity, interpretation, performance, violation or termination of this agreement, or any non agreement dispute arising out of or in connection with this agreement, will be settled through negotiation with you. If the negotiation fails, either party shall have the right to bring a lawsuit to the court with jurisdiction in the place where this agreement is signed and apply the laws of the people's Republic of China.
Article 22 If part of this agreement is found to be illegal or invalid by the court with jurisdiction, the validity of other contents will not be affected. For issues not covered in this agreement, please refer to relevant national laws and regulations. In case of conflict between this agreement and national laws and regulations, national laws and regulations shall prevail.